Sunday, September 13, 2009

Rude Behavior Trifecta

What's up with all the rude American behavior this past week?

First, no lie! There was the U.S. Senator from South Carolina who spoke up in an inappropriate manner during President Obama's speech before Congress.

Just a few nights later, Olympic gold medalist Serena Williams tore into a line judge during what became Williams' final play of the 2009 U.S. Open (wondering what the consequence would be had she, or any Olympic tennis athlete, did the same in Olympic tournament play). OK, fine.

Tonight's adventures in rudeness were brought to us by Kanye West, who apparently commandeered the microphone from Moon Man trophy winner Taylor Swift (who appeared in this blog for her Olympic connections last year). I enjoy the music of both West and Swift, but Kanye speaking up during an MTV acceptance speech was totally uncalled for, in my opinion.

Kanye, please answer me: How Could You Be So Heartless? Please stick to singing, not speeches! At least he apologized -- sort of -- on his blog. I can just picture West now in his hotel room in front of a laptop typing away ... [yeah, right].

I for one remain hopeful that politeness will prevail, led by example, like this one:

On Friday afternoon, the White House, Chicago 2016 Olympic bid committee and the U.S. Olympic Committee announced that First Lady Michelle Obama will be part of the U.S. delegation at the IOC Sessions in Copenhagen next month -- it seems the polite thing to do, to help the First Lady (and the president's) hometown, Chicago, bring home the 2016 Olympic hosting duties.

Oprah Winfrey is getting polite, too -- according to the Chicago Tribune's Michael Phillips, Winfrey may also travel to the Denmark-based vote by the International Olympic Committee. Winfrey compared Chicago to "Gone With The Wind" and Tara earlier this year, as noted on this video.

Nice to read also that Beyonce invited Swift back on stage to re-do her acceptance speech later in the evening. Classy.

Mind your manners!

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